Scene of the upcoming book (Land of Neves - The Tornado) by Jason Auigbelle"The young tribes had a riot, that turned into a war. The elders of the tribes tried to stop it but the war was in full control. Then the creator awoke, leaving the tribes, and a riddle, causing inbalance, and turmoil. The tornado came and ripped apart this gathering of the 6 tribes." This picture is therefore under copyright protection from unauthorized use by its respective owners
Scene of the upcoming book (Land of Neves - The Tornado) by Jason Auigbelle"The young tribes had a riot, that turned into a war. The elders of the tribes tried to stop it but the war was in full control. Then the creator awoke, leaving the tribes, and a riddle, causing inbalance, and turmoil. The tornado came and ripped apart this gathering of the 6 tribes." This picture is therefore under copyright protection from unauthorized use by its respective owners